The 101-Application Delivery Fundamentals exam is the first exam required to achieve Certified F5 BIG-IP Administrator status. Successful completion of the Application Delivery Fundamentals exam acknowledges the skills and understanding necessary for day-to-day management of Application Delivery Networks (ADNs).
Here we’ve prepared some real F5-101 exam questions. Have a try!
Question #1
To make complex access policies easier to manage, an administrator can create a _______ containing several policy actions, and then add instances of it within the policy? (Fill in)
A. Visual Policy Editor
B. Policy Editor
C. Visual Editor
D. Policy creator
Correct Answer: A
Question #2
To make complex access policies easier to manage, an administrator can create a policy containing several policy actions, and then add instances of it within the policy using the ________. (Fill in)
A. Deployment Wizard
B. Setup Wizard
C. Policy Wizard
D. Visual Wizard
Correct Answer: A
Question #3
The Policy Builder benefits include:
A. Doesn’t require in depth web application knowledge
B. Only requires limited ASM knowledge
C. All of the above
D. Very low administrative impact
Correct Answer: C
Question #4
APM administrators can configure access policies granting users which two types of access?
A. CIFS access
B. Client/server access
C. Web application access
D. Proxy access
E. RDC access
Correct Answer: D
Question #5
Which of the following is a benefit of using iRules?
A. They provide a secure connection between a client and LTM
B. They enable granular control of traffic
C. They can be used as templates for creating new applications
D. They can use Active Directory to authenticate and authorize users
E. They provide an automated way to create LTM objects
Correct Answer: B
Question #6
APM provides access control lists at which two OSI layers? (Choose two.)
A. Layer 5
B. Layer 4
C. Layer 7
D. Layer 6
E. Layer 2
Correct Answer: BC
Question #7
TMOS is an F5 software module that runs on the BIG-IP platform.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
TMOS is multi-module OS on Big-IP platform
Question #8
Which four F5 products are on the TMOS platform? (Choose four.)
F. Firepass
Correct Answer: BCDE
Question #9
Which of the following is NOT a profile type on the BIG-IP?
A. Protocol
B. Application
C. Persistence
D. Authentication
Correct Answer: B
Question #10
The BIG-IP determines the lowest connection speed between the client and the server and then uses that for both connections.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
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